Brief Statement on the Relationship Between Orthodoxy and Science
Do the Saints Have Unerring Knowledge of Scientific Matters?
Why Was the Book of Genesis Written?
The Earliest Manuscripts of the Book of Genesis
The First Chapter of Genesis Explained in One Sentence
The Purpose of the Creation Account in Genesis According to Cyril of Alexandria
On the Interpretation of the Creation Account in Genesis (St. Augustine of Hippo)
All That a Christian Should at Least Know About Creation (St. Augustine of Hippo)
Basil the Great and the Allegorical Interpretation of Genesis
Basil the Great on the Vanity of Reading Genesis as Science
St. Basil the Great on the Intelligent Cause of Creation
That God is the Cause of All Creation (St. Gregory Palamas)
Genesis, Time, Aeon and Eternity
Commentary on the Six Days of Creation and the Six Ages (St. Bede)
The Genesis "Problem"
Why St. Neophytos the Recluse Wrote His "Hexaemeron" ("Six-Days of Creation")
St. John Chrysostom on the Vital Power of Primordial Water
The Original Light of Creation (St. Gregory the Theologian)
Did God Create Water?
St. John of Damascus on How Paradise in Genesis Should Be Understood
Patriarch Kirill of Russia: "It is naive to read Genesis as the textbook on anthropogenesis"
Homilies on Genesis 1 by St. Nikolai Velimirovich (1 of 7)
Homilies on Genesis 1 by St. Nikolai Velimirovich (2 of 7)
Homilies on Genesis 1 by St. Nikolai Velimirovich (3 of 7)
Homilies on Genesis 1 by St. Nikolai Velimirovich (4 of 7)
Homilies on Genesis 1 by St. Nikolai Velimirovich (5 of 7)
Homilies on Genesis 1 by St. Nikolai Velimirovich (6 of 7)
"And God Saw That It Was Good" (St. Basil the Great)
Archbishop Iakovos on Spiritualism, Materialism and Darwinism
How the Passion of Christ Reversed the Fall of Adam
St. Seraphim of Sarov on Adam in Paradise
The Lost World of Adam and Eve: An Interview with John Walton
On the Literal and Figurative Understanding of Genesis 2 (St. Augustine of Hippo)
Augustine of Hippo on the Devil in Paradise
Synaxarion for the Sunday of Cheesefare
The Inheritance of the Ancestral Sin
Genesis 3 and the Origin of the Term "Fall"
The Garment of Adam and the Garment of Joseph
Christ, the Liberator of Adam and Eve
Scientists Calculate the Feasibility of Noah's Ark
Ten Ways Noah’s Ark Prefigured the Church
Violence in the Old Testament: A Patristic Perspective