Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Isaac Newton's Scientific Analogy for the General Resurrection of the Dead

Isaac Newton, the famous physicist, one day passed a cemetery with his students, and some of them asked:

"How is it possible that the dead bodies, long ago corrupted, could become again bodies of their own souls?"

The next day in class Newton mixed iron particles with sand and other materials.

"Who could separate these iron particles from the sand and put them together?"

He received no reply.

Then Newton took a magnet and brought it closer to the scattered iron particles. There was a commotion of the particles. The small particles started to stick on the magnet, one after another. There wasn’t even a single iron particle left in the sand. Then Newton told his students:

"Wouldn’t the One Who gave such power to the dead metal, also give our souls the power needed for them to return to their own bodies?"