Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Saint Iakovos Tsalikes and the Unbelieving Physicist


By Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol

There was a woman from Canada, and another nun with her, from Cyprus, actually, and they went to see Fr. Iakovos.

The young woman who was from Canada was a physicist, but she didn’t believe and was probably an atheist. When they got there, Fr. Iakovos told them he was leaving to go to a village. He added: "But I hope that Saint David, who’s here in our monastery, will show you that there really are saints and the grace of the Holy Spirit. God exists and He overcomes the laws of nature."

Fr. Iakovos went to the treasury where they keep the relics of Saint David, took a piece from the reliquary, closed the treasury and left.

As he did this, however, the censer that was in the treasury, which was enclosed with glass panels all around, started to move all by itself, and to cense before the very eyes of the nun, the young woman from Canada and Fr. Iakovos.

This lasted for about half an hour and then Fr. Iakovos said, perfectly naturally:

"See, Maria. This censing was for you. So that you would believe that Saint David is able to act above and beyond the laws of nature."